I am growing a 70s style mustache and am wondering if employers can legally tell you to shave or not grow out your facial hair. What can you do if you want to grow a big mustache or beard?Can you be fired for growing facial hair?
If you work in the food industry yes. Maybe if it is written in the company manual. Why would you want a 70's mustache anyways?Can you be fired for growing facial hair?
I couldn't really say on the count that I'm a 17 year old teen... but if I were you I'd say no you can not get fired
It really depends on what your employers polices are. If you work in a position where you need to make a good impression on people (sales etc.), they could legally fire you, yes. If your employers are telling you to shave it off, it's your choice of which is more important: your mustache, or your job.
only if you work in a place where it would be unsanitary to have facial hair.
like in a restaurant, mixing the chocolate pudding and some mustache falls off in it.
Depends on your work, and I am most likely sure that can't take a legal action against you. Hope this helped.
Most jobs could care less about facial hair as long as it is clean and tidy not a mess or dirty looking. I have several men at my job who have full beards but they keep them trimmed and looking clean. My work is not concerned. But just to be sure look up your companies policy on appearance and if it states anything about facial hair. If it is in their company guidebook and you agreed to abide by the regulations then yes the can dismiss you for an unkempt appearance.
If you live in a right to work state then yes. If not they still can if breaks established company appearance standards.
If it's part of company policy they can tell you to shave it off. My dad works for UPS and the last time I asked they couldn't have any facial hair unless it was a neat and trimmed mustache. I don't know if company policy is still the same it's been a few years since he has said anything about it. Welcome to the world of looking, acting, and being ';professional.';
if they want clean shaved employee and you dont fit the bill, i would say in a free country they should have the right to replace you with someone who will obey company rules. you wanna grow a beard like grizzley adams be prepared to limit your options.
yes, they can.
i would quit or not work for a company in the first place if that was a policy.
have you seen evan almighty?
Can't have beard if you're a firefighter...air mask issues.
They really can't because isn't that like discrimination but anyway. MUSTACHE beard are odd
it depends where you work and if there is an ethics/dress code saying you can or cant.
Remember this... it's not your job. It belongs to the company. You're just filling that slot for a while. As such, you can be fired for just about anything your boss decides is counter to the company image.
depends on your job and the company's prior statements about it.
example: if you're a night shift janitor in an office, there's probably nothing they can do about it.
example: if your job is selling to walk-in customers, and their policy was previously stated as ';no facial hair';, then you could be.
example: if your job is selling to walk-in customers and there is no policy, I suspect you'll have to prove by your sales figures that it doesn't make any difference. But if sales go down, you're likely gone.
does this help?
Are you on the Yankees?
Depending on your type of job, facial hair can be against company policy (probably if you worked with food). Although depending on how it looks (if it's not kept right), even an office-type environment can be a wrong place for that type of facial hair. Your best bet is to try it out until somebody says otherwise ^_^
Yes they can make that kind of rule, and if you don't follow it, can legally fire you and you'd have no recourse.
If your employer has that rule and you want to grow the mustache or beard anyway, your option is to look for another job, one that won't care about it, before you start
well if its part of the company policy I understand he can make you shave it off.
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